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Has the Unstoppable Force Been Stopped? 
by KenSNJ 

Category: Halloween 
Genre: Adventure, Crime 
Language: English 
Status: In-Progress 
Published: 2010-12-04 12:18:38 
Updated: 2010-12-04 12:18:38 
Packaged: 2016-04-26 22:43:47 
Rating: M 
Chapters : 1 
Words: 772 


Summary: Has a terrorist bomb finally done the impossible and stopped 
Michael Myers once and for all? Or will the Haddonfield PD ' s fearless 
leader prove that he can't be stopped. 

Has the Unstoppable Force Been Stopped? 

**I own nothing except a few characters and the plot.** 


**Has the Unstoppable Force Been Stopped?** 


It had happened in an instant. Chasing a terrorist who decided to 
detonate a bomb planted in a crate of C4 explosive, the blast had 
knocked what was known as Haddonfield ' s unstoppable Police Chief 
chear across the warehouse. Michael Myers found himself fighting to 
keep from passing out. He managed to point a pair of White-armored 
Imperial Stormtroopers in the direction of the terrorist before he 
gave in to his injuries. Detective Tommy Doyle ran in and found him 
lying in a pile of rubble. 

"Leroy, call an ambulance." Tommy snapped at an officer. He then 
turned to Michael. 

"Hang in there, boss. The ambulance is on its way." Michael 
stirred . 

"Gibbs." Was all he could say before passing out again. Leroy looked 
at Tommy as the paramedics arrived. 

"Who or what is a Gibbs?" Leroy asked. 

"I know who he's talking about and get the Colonel. It's best if I 
tell Laurie myself." Tommy replied as Michael was taken away in an 

ambulance . 

"I have had it with the constant vandalism to my car. Since Detention 
doesn't seem to be working. I'm just going to tell you all that my 
brother happens to be the Chief of Police and he is more then capable 
of finding out who is doing this." Laurie Strode snapped at a class 
of students at Haddonfield High School. She was tired of her car 
constantly being vandalized and had narrowed the list of suspects 
down to one class. 

"Miss Strode?" The school's principal was at the door. Laurie walked 
over and found Tommy with her. 

"I guess one of these outstnding people is on their way to my 
brother's dungen?" She asked him, her voice full of sarcasm for the 
students . 

"Michael's been in an accident and it wasn't one of those he gets up 
and walks away like it's a minor setback. A bomb went off right in 
front of him." Two officers appeared. 

"Third row, fourth column. He set his ex-girlfriend's car on fire and 
smashed a window out at her house. That's called arson and 
vandalism." Tommy said as the two officers took the student 
away . 

"I'll take you to where Michael is." He said to Laurie. 

"I can find someone to cover your classes." The principal said to 
Laurie. She then turned to Tommy. 

"Detective Doyle. I hope this is not going to become a common police 
practice to arrest students in the middle of their classes." 

"With Myers unable to perform his duties right now. Either I'm in 
charge or Colonel Morlandt is in charge." Tommy said. 


Colonel Tevin Eelth was reviewing a case file when the fax machine 
beeped. He decided to check it out, but was intercepted by Retired 
NCIS agent Mike Eranks . 

"Eelth, that might be for me." Eranks said. He read the fax and then 
dialed a number on the phone next to it. 

"What's going on Probie?" Eranks put the phone on speaker. 

"I got a call from a Colonel Morlandt and was wondering if any of 
your people knew who he was. He said he works for the Empire." NCIS 
agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs said. 

"The only Colonel Morlandt I know of is assigned to the Haddonfield 
Police along with three junior officers from here." Tevin 
said . 

"Probie, you better have a good reason for bothering me with this." 
Eranks said. 

"I do. There was a terrorist incident in Haddonfield about an hour 

ago. Chief Myers got the full blast of it. He asked for me, but I've 
got an active case right now." 

"And Leon thinks we don't have any cases ourselves." 

"According to someone involved with Khayman ' s Special Forces project. 
Most of your cases were Khayman butting into NYPD ' s business." Franks 
looked at Levin and then realized who had told Vance about Khayman ' s 
case-grabbing practices. 

"Firmus Piett has a problem in general with the way things are ran 
around here." 

"Anyway Vance suggested that you could spare Felth and someone to go 
with him and find out what's going on out there." Gibbs said. 

"You tell Leon to take that paperwork I owe him from that thing with 
you and Irvin and stuff it." 

"Sure, Boss." Gibbs said and hung up. Franks turned to Levin. 

"You and Chavez as soon as possible, go to Haddonfield and see what 
this mess is. Levin nodded. 

f lie .